The village was originally known as “Kritou”, since the search for the origin of the village’s naming shows that the name Terra is a subsequent addition. Kritou has existed ever since the Frankish occupation and possibly since the Byzantine period. The period of the Frankish occupation marked the village by the addition of the word Terra to its name. The addition coincides with the first years of the Frankish period, when the Frank fief owners turned the village into a fief. As far as the existence of the village during the Byzantine period is concerned, this is evident by the connection of the village’s name to the fief owner “Erotokritos”, who was possibly the first resident.
During the Turkish occupation, three of our fellow villagers were distinguished, them being the archbishop of Cyprus Damaskinos, as well as dragomen Hadjiosif and Hadjigeorgakis Cornesios.
Sources: Kritou Terra Community Council www. Great Cyprus Encyclopaedia Dr Christou G. Aristeidou Savvas Arkadiou